2024 was a big one as we moved into the second year of the Bromford Strategy and progressed from thinking to doing.
In our latest place based working update, Paul explains that what we are doing is more is more about testing than piloting. So what IS the difference?
One month into our Place Pilot and we’re already seeing dramatic differences to the way our team operates. The following article has been written by Angela Manson, our Place Team Leader, to shed some light on the differences we are noticing as well as what key takeaways we are building from this crucial period of discovery.
In the second of our place based updates, Paul shares how the use of broad principles of exploration has enabled the team to keep management at arms length.
There’s a major shift in the Bromford Strategy that upends our legacy business model: our move to place-based working by 2027. But how do you shift to a completely new model within the constraints of a 60 year-old organisation? This series of posts will chart our journey: the highs and the lows, the breakthroughs and the fails, as we begin to test our new model.
We’re at a pivotal moment in the evolution of connected living. As we move towards smarter homes, it's essential to foster collaboration among likeminded organisations that share a common vision for the future of connected homes.
Hafod Housing, based in Cardiff, have joined forces with Bromford to explore the potential of neighbourhood coaching. Hafod developed their approach partly based on our model, but both organisations have begun taking it in interesting new directions - so we thought it was time to set up a knowledge and learning partnership.
What is place-based working? This post aims to give you an overview of our initial thoughts and learnings as we embark on a transformational journey at Bromford.