There might be nothing in this - but I think it's worth exploring...
That was how Alex Dixon began our sessions looking at the future of our homes.
We've just completed the final session of the three we planned - scoping out the problem and having a scan of possible opportunities.
What we love about the Lab approach is that we can reach a way forward - turning ideas into action - relatively quickly.
The first session was 45 minutes. The second was 55. The final one was just over 30.
This is because people have gone away thinking about the problem and regrouped around the opportunity. New people were added at each stage to challenge assumptions and build on the ideas.
So where do we go next?
We have a wicked problem. Unless we radically reimagine our product range - certain groups of customers are going to have a hard time finding an affordable rent.
And we mean radically. We need to look at squeezing 50% out of build costs (75% was suggested this morning). You can't do that through better procurement!
What might we look at? Have a look at our picture gallery!
What part could cabins and Tiny Homes play in our product range?
With 30 pubs closing down every week and a host of community buildings lying empty - how could they be remodelled using design, smarter tech and new thinking?
What part does modular construction and 3D printing play in the reducing labour costs?
This concept will now formally enter the Lab as we begin to imagine , and then prototype our product range for the 21st Century.