Released: Our Starting Well Engineer Concept


The Starting Well Engineer (SWE) concept has been officially released from the lab with a successful outcome. The evidence of financial value (reduced repairs being raised) was inconclusive, obscured by all the extra void-repairs we've been spotting and reporting on the system. This aside, the overall image is encouraging with customer confidence rising for each and every repair and great customer scores for ease/value. 

We'll hand over the concept details to our insight team, who will lead the pilot over the next phase. We have recommended that the pilot be fully supported and resourced, with dedicated SWE/administration colleagues for the duration - so with this necessary prep-work we're likely to 'go live' sometime early in the new year. Now that the 'build' is stable the pilots critical aim will be to establish the value to Bromford and our Customers. That means finding a way to filter out all the repairs raised by engineers as a result of outstanding void works. 

It has been a pleasure to be involved in a concept with so much potential - with so many new iterations to explore. But for now, it's bon voyage Starting Well Engineer concept - good luck in your new home! 

Full Test Evaluation on Google Slides (expand to full screen)