November #Blabchat : Attracting Talent to Future-Ready Organisations

#blabchat Recruitment Posters Nov 19.png

This month we are pleased to welcome our latest guest host Andy Johnson to #blabchat. Andy is an engagement specialist in our recruitment team here at Bromford. I caught up with him earlier in the week to have a chat about this month’s theme:

“Unemployment in the UK is at the lowest it has been since the mid-1970s. The latest official data show that the number of unemployed people per job vacancy has dropped to 1.6, down from 5.8 in 2011. Yet, despite the number of job vacancies continuing to rise, one-third of employers say the main reason they cannot fill their roles is because of a lack of applicants. If we continue to use the same old recruitment practices and techniques, we will continue to get the same results. New approaches are needed to overcome these talent shortages.

We invite you to explore some of these challenges, whether you are someone who is directly involved in recruiting or not, this is more about understanding what your personal experiences have been (as a recruiter, as a leader or a job seeker) and what ideas you could share to help others.”

Why not join us for a lunchtime #blabchat on Friday 8th November, when we will be exploring:

#blabchat Recruitment Posters Nov 19 (Q1).png

#blabchat Recruitment Posters Nov 19 (Q2).png

#blabchat Recruitment Posters Nov 19 (Q3).png

#blabchat Recruitment Posters Nov 19 (Q4).png

Please remember to label your answers A1, A2, A3, etc and most importantly, don't forget to use #blabchat when you respond, even if it’s replying to someone else's tweet. 

Looking forward to chatting with you soon!

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