August #blabchat: What can we learn from the way communities respond to a crisis like COVID?

#blabchat Details August 20.png

The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged us all over the past 6 months or so. The total lock-downs and partial lock-downs which came into force around the globe at the beginning of the year were unprecedented. Schools, shops, pubs, restaurants, gyms, playgrounds and other social hubs were closed indefinitely. But as our freedom of movement disappeared and the streets became eerily quiescent, our communities came alive. 

Over the past number of months, we’ve seen many reports of communities at their best, coming together to help each other in a time of crisis. There have been many small acts of kindness; neighbours helping neighbours, new community initiatives popping up all over the place and people volunteering to help tackle the virus and its effects in any way they can.

Much of the activity has been driven by communities themselves, without the intervention of the public or social sectors. So what can we learn from the past 6 months? How can we ensure that in spite of the devastation, COVID also leaves some form of positive legacy? 

Join us on Thursday 20th August when we will be exploring the positive ways communities have responded to COVID:

#blabchat August 20 (Q1).png

#blabchat August 20 (Q2).png

#blabchat August 20 (Q3).png

#blabchat August 20 (Q4).png

Please remember to label your answers A1, A2, A3, etc and most importantly, don't forget to use #blabchat when you respond, even if it’s replying to someone else's tweet. 

Join us for some thought-provoking chat on Thursday 20th August from 8 - 9 pm. Looking forward to chatting with you all!

As always, following #blabchat we will be publishing a write-up of the conversation in-line with our editorial guidelines. Please keep an eye on the blog or subscribe to the Bromford Lab News Letter to ensure you don't miss it.