March #blabchat - Why, When & How Should We Involve Customers?

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So tomorrow is 1st March which means two things - it's St Davids Day and the next instalment of #blabchat is here from 8 - 9pm!  We were so pleased so many of you joined us last time and contributed to a great discussion, and we think this month's topic is no exception.

In case you missed it, here is a reminder of the questions we will be asking.  We'll be posting them in 15 minute intervals so you will have plenty of time to share your thoughts and have a conversation with other participants.  All we recommend is to keep the thread, make sure you quote which question number you are responding to (e.g. Q1, Q2, etc) - it's more for us to keep up in the Lab if anything!

March Blab Chat Q1.jpg
March Blab Chat Q2.jpg
March Blab Chat Q3.jpg
March Blab Chat Q4.jpg

This month, our focus is on customers, more specifically how we can best involve them in the innovation/design process.  Traditionally, cultivating customer engagement has been difficult and the outcomes are often feedback focused on what you aren't doing well as opposed to insights, which can make it difficult for companies to translate into meaningful actions.  

So what do we mean by a customer?

For the purposes of this discussion, we mean someone who is a applying for, or in receipt of a service or product you provide.  It might seem a little simplistic, but as we only have an hour, we want to talk about this subject as much as possible, so we think keeping it simple will help get to those great insights and ideas.

Join us from 8pm tonight and get involved - we'd love to hear from as many of you as possible and get another inspiring conversation going!  Just don't forget to use the hashtag #blabchat ...

