Social Business, Well Told Story, operate in Kenya and Tanzania and run an Emmy winning multi-media initiative called Shujaaz. We caught up with Managing Director, Rob Burnet, to find out what we could learn from their approach.
In our eighth exploration pipeline discovery session we discussed Victorian housing as homes of the future, designing without ego and what coaching actually means. No one mentioned Walt Disney’s frozen head though.
In our seventh exploration pipeline discovery session we discussed what being efficient really means, how to deliver a positive customer experience, supermarket self-service checkouts that make you want to scream and defrosting frozen pipes.
In our sixth exploration pipeline discovery session we discussed flexible homes, taking more risk, picking up signals from our communities and life after the humble house brick.
New month, new #blabchat! This month's Bromford Lab Chat focuses on customers and how we can best maximise their involvement in the innovation/design process to get quality insights to move a business forward. See you from 8pm....
In our fifth exploration pipeline discovery session we discussed delivering items directly to vans, delivering items directly to customers, giving each locality its own 3D printer and how cool it would be to land a drone on a van.
In our fourth exploration pipeline discovery session we discussed handing out internet-enabled devices to customers, setting up free wifi in our neighbourhoods, digital skills coaches, band-aids and a Bromford chatbot named ‘Evelyn’.
In our third exploration pipeline discovery session we discussed tool librairies, trade schools, sharing community knowledge and Del Boy dressed as Batman.
In our second exploration pipeline discovery session we discussed reciprocity and payment in kind, taking payments via Blockchain, setting up a Bromford Bank called 'Bronzo' and whether a holographic David Beckham could be our cashier.
It’s been just under two weeks since our first discovery session around the 10 ‘how might we’ questions that make up our current exploration pipeline. This is a summary of what we took away from the workshop.