Why has Bromford Lab been so quiet?

Creativity can be messy. 

It needs discipline and management.

However, the way in which you manage innovation has to constantly change and adapt to the culture and constraints of your organisation.

Since early 2020 we have lived through an era of intense turbulence, disillusionment, and accelerating change brought about by a global pandemic. Almost every trend affecting our customers and organisations has been speeded up. 

Even just three of those trends: the shift to remote working, the acceleration of digitalisation, and the renewed emphasis on sustainability, have a profound effect on companies capacity and capability for innovation. In any period of uncertainty, never mind a public health crisis and economic downturn of this scale, a company’s inclination can be to buckle down and focus solely on maintaining business as usual. 

Out of focus picture of a laptop on a video call and a plant

Faced with uncertainty, the knee jerk reaction of some of those holding the purse strings will be to stop the clock, peddle simplistic solutions and retreat to the past. However,  the need for innovation has never been greater as businesses have to respond to changing consumer behaviours and a different operating context necessitated by the pandemic.

And that’s why we’ve been quiet. 

We’ve been reviewing and realigning our innovation priorities around our strategy , renewing its focus to be better placed for a future where the power of partnerships will be more important than ever.

So, the website is back after a lick of paint. We’ll be posting a couple of articles each week sharing what we are thinking, the ideas our colleagues and customers are having, and reaching out where we need your help. This will be shared through podcasts, blogs, our Twitter and our Instagram

Here’s to never standing still…


Photo by Alice Dietrich on Unsplash