Our Homes

Disruptive Innovators Network: Moving Your Organisations from Analogue to Digital

In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, the need for innovation is more pressing than ever. Traditional approaches to problem-solving are giving way to disruptive technologies and collaborative networks. Bromford were invited to take part in a Disruptive Innovators Network event taking place up in the Hartree Centre, which is the home of UK Research and Innovation Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), based outside of Warrington. 

The STFC: A Hub of Innovation 

The STFC, funded with over £8 billion and entrusted with the mission of fostering innovation, serves as the ideal incubator for inventive ideas to take shape and become practical solutions.  

With projects spanning across various sectors in the UK, the STFC plays a pivotal role in propelling ground breaking ideas into reality. This includes everything from creating computer-simulation wind tunnels for the UK automotive industry to investigating the causes of childhood asthma in Liverpool. They're even building the world's largest telescope and collaborating with the NHS to alleviate bed-blocking issues in hospitals. 

What sets the STFC apart is not only its team of highly skilled experts but also its state-of-the-art equipment. At the heart of their innovative arsenal is a supercomputer and access to quantum computing simulations. This means that what would take weeks for others to process, the STFC can achieve in mere minutes. Moreover, their ability to harmonise and merge data from multiple sources, including the NHS, Social Services, Social Housing, and more, gives them a unique advantage in uncovering the root causes of social issues. 

Digital Twin Technology: A Glimpse into the Future 

One of the most intriguing aspects of the STFC's approach is the use of digital twin technology. This cutting-edge concept allows organisations to create digital replicas of the real world, enabling them to simulate changes and predict their impact. In essence, it's like having a crystal ball to see the potential consequences of your actions. 

The Road to Digital Transformation 

At Bromford, we want to make a shift to the proactive maintenance our homes through a mix of technology and our coaching model. How might the strategic application of technologies such as digital twinning not only enhance our services but also proactively address issues before they escalate? This is just one example within our strategy where technology could create meaningful change for their customers. 

The journey from analogue to digital has never been more exciting, and the possibilities are boundless. 

Tristan Illes, Director of Technology at Bromford

Image by fancycrave1 from Pixabay

What is digital twinning - and could it transform housing?

A phrase that I’ve heard a lot lately is ‘Digital Twinning’ and I’ll be honest; I wasn’t really sure what it meant. Until recently that is, when the team spoke with Professor Stephen Scaysbrook at Birmingham City University. 

So, I thought I’d try and explain it! 


Digital twinning works by creating a virtual replica or model of a physical object, environment, process, or system. This digital twin is continuously updated with real-time data from sensors, IoT devices, and other sources. The goal is to provide an accurate representation of the physical counterpart, enabling better understanding, monitoring, and decision-making. 

Professor Scaysbrook discussed how digital twins have evolved from their origins in industries like gaming and visual effects to become integral to various creative domain - such as how it is used in movies and TV shows like Avatar or The Mandalorian. Once people realised they could perfectly imagine realistic world environments or products the demand grew.

So today Tesla creates a digital simulation of every one of its cars, using data collected from sensors on the vehicles and uploaded to the cloud. These minimize the need for owners to take their cars to servicing stations for repairs and maintenance.

In the aerospace industry Rolls Royce use digital twinning on their aircraft engines.  These are exact replicas that update in real time. Using a digital twin, Rolls-Royce can study and predict the physical behaviours that an engine would exhibit under very extreme conditions.

One area that stood out to us was the Wellington digital twin in New Zealand. You can find a short, interesting video here of how that was built. Their aim was to provide a way to make better multi-agency decisions, understand complex issues like climate change and economic development, and most importantly, better engage with the communities and stakeholders. 

Welling digital twin via build media

Social housing plays a vital role in providing affordable and stable housing options for individuals and families in need and as societies continue to evolve, so do the ways in which we manage and maintain social housing properties. One of the most promising innovations in this sector is the concept of digital twinning.   

An immediate application of digital twinning in social housing could be used for property management and maintenance. Housing associations can create digital twins of entire homes allowing a virtual representation of how we could monitor the condition of the property in real-time, identifying potential issues before they become major problems. 

It could also predict maintenance needs and schedule repairs more efficiently, reducing downtime and costs and optimise energy usage and resource allocation, promoting sustainability and cost savings. 

Digital twinning also benefits customers by improving their living experience. By integrating IoT devices and sensors within the digital twin framework, social housing providers can offer smart home solutions that allow tenants to control lighting, temperature, and security from their smartphones and receive faster response times to maintenance requests through automated alerts triggered by sensor data. Also possible are enhanced safety and security features, such as fire detection and emergency response systems. 

Digital twinning could empower housing providers with a wealth of data and insights. By analysing data from digital twins, they can make informed decisions regarding things such as rent pricing and affordability, Retrofitting and renovation projects to improve energy efficiency and overall quality, long-term planning and investment strategies, disaster preparedness and response. 

In times of natural disasters or tragedies such as Grenfell, having a digital twin of social housing properties would be invaluable. Emergency responders can access real-time information about building conditions and occupancy, aiding in evacuation and response efforts.  

Digital twinning can also facilitate greater community engagement within social housing complexes. By providing residents with access to the digital twin platform, they can: 

  • Collaborate on improvement projects and suggest community enhancements. 

  • Stay informed about property updates and scheduled maintenance. 

  • Report issues and track their resolution in real-time. 

While the potential benefits of digital twinning in social housing are substantial, there are also challenges to address, including: 

  • Data privacy and security concerns, especially regarding tenant information. 

  • High upfront costs associated with implementing IoT devices and sensors. 

  • Ensuring digital inclusion for all tenants, including those without access to technology. 

Digital twinning is poised to revolutionise social housing by providing a dynamic and data-driven approach to property management, customer experience, and community engagement. By leveraging the power of digital twins, housing providers can enhance their services, reduce operational costs, and create safer, more sustainable living environments for those in need. As technology continues to advance, the integration of digital twinning in social housing promises to be a transformative force for good in our communities. 

We’re really looking forward to continuing our conversations with BCU and intrigued to see what the future of digital twinning can bring to Bromford.